Frequently Asked Questions

The most common answers about Rife technology

+Who was Raymond Royal Rife?

You can find a lot of websites and books about Rife. As our website is more targeted to lab/research work and people who know already who Rife was, we advise you check some other online resources. Some hystorical ones are:;;;; Please, beware that you will find some genuine and some biased things (expecially when they try to explain how the Rife effect works). It is up to you to draw your conclusions.

+What did Rife do?

Rife is known especially for his Universal Microscope and his Beam Ray machine. The microscope was said to go well beyond the limits of current optical microscopes, with magnifications up to 60,000 diameters. The Beam Ray was a plasma device able to emit some specific radiations that could deactivate/shatter pathogenic microorgamisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses). Please, refer to "Who was Raymond Royal Rife" for further references.

+I have a special expertise. May I join your research group?

Of course! Just get in touch with us and we will further discuss.

+Do you have Rife original material that was not yet shared on the net?

Yes, we have even the original patents that prevented Rife from patenting his original machine.

+Do you have any studies, clinical trials, etc.?

Yes, we have a lot of material, including precise blueprints for the microscopes and the Rife machines, CAD simulations, circuits, spreadsheets to calculate the Absolute MORs, specific clinical studies for specific pathogens, and much more.

+May I access your document repository and view your studies?

Our document repository is reserved for our researchers.

+I am a manufacturer. Can I benefit from your studies or partner with you?

Of course. We can certify your machines and provide you with all your needs to produce authentic Rife machines.

+Is there any special secret in Rife technology?

There is one thing that current researchers ignore and there is something that is borderline science. The former can be easily understood. Rife did not have all the instruments we have today at our disposal. He had to consider a lot of parameters and lacked the complete understanding of the underlying equations. Nowadays, we know that it is not about the MORs, which were just the mask of another parameter, which we call Absolute MORs. Concerning the borderline aspect, Rife exploits a phenomenon that is known but currently unexplored by science. So, there is still no definite answer about how the deactivation/shattering takes place.

+Where can I buy a Rife microscope?

Nowhere. Eric Rowley and Stan Truman patented parts of the Universal Microscope (obviously the Patent Office was not aware that certain things were already in the public domain), but they did not manufacture a finished product yet.

+Could you replicate the Rife microscope?

Partly. We need more funding to complete the replica. However, the same people we got our knowledge from, silently used replicated Rife microscopes for years.

+Does the Rife microscope work on fluorescence, phase contrast, etc.?

There are many wrong theories around. Some think that Rife is a precursor of some modern exotic technique. The true is that Rife just used the knowledge and tools of his time. His microscope is very basic, despite it can still surpass all modern optical microscopes. It is just a monochromatic polarizing microscope with a prismatic light path.

+On which principle does the Rife microscope work?

The Rife microscope works on the principle of refraction. Usually, a small microorganism is not visible in direct light. By using a specific wavelength that refracts from the microorganism at a certain angle, it becomes visible and stained in a specific color. Actually, it is not the entire microorganism refracting the beam, but a certain chemical constituent. The viewed color is complementary to the wavelength of the illuminating beam and therefore it is lowered in the spectrum in order for us to see it.

+How do you tune up a Rife machine under the Rife microscope?

You must collimate the beam from the Rife machine to the microscope illuminating beam. When they are the same, they will deactivate the pathogen.

Rife Machine
+Can I buy a Rife machine?

Most of the devices bearing the name of "Rife machine" are not Rife machines. You can find some modern Beam Ray replicas, but they are useless without proper tuning.

+Do you manufacture Rife machines?

No, we only do research work.

+How can I tell if device "ABC" is a true Rife machine?

A true Rife machine employs a plasma tube (no contact pads), high voltage, quite high currents, frequencies in the kHz-MHz range. It has a RF carrier wave. It comes supplied with a pathogen list and related MORs tuned up specifically for that machine. If two machines have identical MORs, the machine is not tuned up.

+Is there a list of true Rife machines?

We will make available a list of certified devices as they become available. Manufacturers are invited to join our certification program. We can address specific issues of their devices and advise about proper tuning in order to get the original Rife effect.

+What is a MOR?

MOR means Mortal Oscillatory Rate. It is generally a frequency in the kHz-MHz range that serves to pump the electron tube at the correct energy level that can impact a specific constituent of a microorganism. At his time, Rife had no other means to measure this energy, which is tube dependent. This made it very difficult to replicate his findings. Nowadays, the Absolute MOR is used as a direct replacement for the MOR, as it is not machine dependent and is replicable.

+What is an Absolute MOR?

The Absolute MOR is the principle that stays behind the MOR - i.e. the real working principle of Rife machines. It is not machine dependent and allows easy replication, granted that certain equations are applied. With the Absolute MOR, the issue of exact voltage control, tube dimensions, electrode shape, etc., are overcome and a list of correct MORs can be generated for the specific machine.

+How is a MOR determined?

A MOR for a specific Rife machine targeted at a specific constituent of a microorganism is determined when the beam from the Rife machine is collimated to the microscope illuminating beam and it produces the microorganism's deactivation. Being machine dependent, if you change a single component in the machine, you must recalculate the MOR.

+Is there a way to calculate mathematically the MOR or the Absolute MOR?

Partly. Nowadays, we have the equations that Rife did not have and we can calculate almost every parameter. There is still something we cannot calculate, but we can easily retrieve it from scientific literature.

+I have the "ABC" illness. Can I use your studies/devices to cure it?

We only provide research aid. If you want to use our research practically, you are the only one responsible to do that. That said, there are enormeous lists online, pretending to heal practically every illness on earth. The Rife machine does not work like that and is very specific. It targets only studied microorganisms. Mostly, it will be likely that your illness is not included. Moreover, there are certain risks connected to using Rife technology.

+Is the real Rife technology safe?

Everybody would like to believe that it is harmless. Crane even got to a great extent to prove that the Beam Ray emitted no UV, etc., at the sunset of Rife technology. However, Rife almost lost his eyes under the UV exposure of his microscope. He was using quartz glass everywhere, just to allow UV to pass through. Rife first and effective technology was working just with single flashes and needed to be quite powerful to do that. According to modern standards, it would be deemed unsafe to use it.

+Is Rife technology used somewhere nowadays?

Rife technology is used in many industries nowadays, despite it is not attributed to Rife. Since the '60s, all that Rife had found out was rediscovered. Very little changed and the machines are all still very similar.

+How much should a Rife session last?

A rife session can last from a fraction of a second to, at maximum, 3 minutes. Laboratory machines are optimized to inactivate pathogens in a very short time. Clinical machines delay the effect, so that the patient is somewhat safer. However, the 3 minutes limit should not be passed with an authentic Rife machine, as the body reaction might be too strong to endure.

+Why do they advise to run some Rife machines for hours?

Simply because they are not Rife machines and they rely, mostly, just on an electromagnetic effect, which is quite weak compared to Rife technology.

+What is Rife one-flash technology?

One flash technology is just a single powerful flash that can deactivate in a fraction of a second up to 95% of the targeted pathogen. 3 flashes should be enough to deactivate almost all of it.

+Did the color of the beam change?

Detractors usually refer to the following quote to affirm that Rife machines were not about the color (wavelength) of the beam.

RIFE: "We have experimented with various inert gases and we found that the helium stood up by the bombardment better than any of the other gases. That's why we use it. We don't care about the color or anything of that sort. It stood up better over many more hours of bombardment than the argon and the crypton and those different gases that we tried" (John Marsh Collection, Gonin Papers, Page 25)

It must be noted that, here, Rife only wanted a reliable gas that could withstand long bombardments (definitely, he was using high powers). The natural color of the gas was not an issue. This doesn't exclude that the base color of the chosen gas could be altered via proper electrical parameters (see how it is done in lasers).
Further, a reference to the color might imply that he was aware that helium has less UV content, while argon and crypton broadcast much more in the UV range. Thus, if Rife used a UV component, other gases would have been more fit for the purpose. However, that was not the point and readers should not confuse things.

+Light cannot be the inactivation principle, because it has no penetration. Is that right?

Fans of this concept usually quote two stories. Let us examine them.

Dr. Couche, when pretty old, was interviewed concerning when he visited Dr. Rife's lab with some other men in his youth. He said:

DR. COUCHE: "There was fifteen inches of concrete on the floor so as to stop any earthquake shocks from interfering with his work. And in his laboratory upon the ground floor he had a microscope with a slide on it that this group of people and myself looked at. And this was not stained, there was no killing of the bacteria on it. It was just a fresh culture of the colon bacillus... Well we all went down under the stairs into the cellar right immediately under the microscope upon the floor above us and the Rife machine was down in underneath there under the culture in the cellar probably I suppose about ten feet away, eight or ten feet away. And he turned the machine on and gave it less than a half minute's frequency for the colon bacillus...Then he turned the machine off and we all came upstairs and waited for ten or fifteen minutes. And presently he came back to his microscope and he said, "Well gentlemen come and look at the slide now." Well to my astonishment the bacilli all had been killed and they were all stacked up on the slide" (John Marsh Rife CDs - CD 3 track 1).

What is clear is that:
1. People were in the cellar, below the lab room
2. Some electrical parts of Rife's machine were in the cellar, so that it could be actionable
3. Upon the lab floor, there were 15 inches of concrete
4. Upon the concrete, there was the microscope
5. The plasma tube was placed in the low part of the microscope, right "under the culture"
6. Above it was the fresh culture of colon bacillus

The source of confusion is that the old hesitating Couche strives to remember and describe the context, jumping from one word to another in apparent contraddiction. Therefore, we need to understand how to divide the sentence and what refers to what.
"Well we all went down under the stairs into the cellar" - oh, but I forgot to say that the machine (the plasma tube) was under the culture. Let me go back upstairs.
"The microscope upon the floor above us and the Rife machine was down in underneath there [the microscope] under the culture" - and now, let me get back to the cellar.
"In the cellar probably I suppose [we were] about ten feet away, eight or ten feet away".

To the ones that read it a different way, that is that the machine was in the cellar eight or ten feet away, we need to point out that Rife "turned the machine on" and then "off", but it's not written that everybody saw the plasma tube lighting up. And Couche specified that the machine was just under the culture. If they were in the cellar, they could not asses if they were exactly below the culture. It would have made sense to say, generically, that they were below the concrete, or below the microscope (so, somewhere below the culture too). But Couche never said that the machine was below the concrete, or the microscope. Therefore, the sort of precision leads to believe that the plasma tube was effectively under the culture - i.e. the tube was serving as the main illuminator for the microscope.

It must be noted that is common practice in radiography labs to separate the hall with the patient from the control room, where the operator stays. The control room is screened with lead, to avoid ratiations.
We know that Rife was quite afraid of the emissions of the plasma tube and tried to minimize exposition, following known guidelines. Thus, it is absolutely normal to think that his control room was in the cellar and he was protected by fifteen inches of concrete. It was the best place to protect. It would have been a crazy thought to subject everybody in the cellar to the radiation of the beam ray. So, just some good sense explains Couche's report.

And for the still dubious ones, ask yourselves: Why would Rife have done things in a different way than common standards? Why would he have exposed himself and others to hazards?

The second story follows.

On September 25th 1935 Dr Johnson wrote to Dr Rife as follows:
"We will arrive in La Jolla, Wednesday morning, October 2, so we can appear bright and early in your laboratory Thursday morning. I am anxious to go on with the tests for the penetration of the new machine."
"Will you ask Mr. Free if it will be possible for him to have the horse meat ready at that time? The largest piece he can get, giving the maximum thickness for the penetration tests. If he cannot get horse meat, beef will have to do."
"I am preparing to work with you Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, if necessary to complete the tests. I think they are very important and the most accurate pains must be taken to avoid error.

This is the test report:
"For the test, a 73 pound chunk of the rump of a freshly-killed horse, containing a femur intact, was placed on a sturdy bench 10 cm beneath the Ray tube.
An 18 inch lance was used to insert ampules of the specimen into the horse meat at various depths. The lance was selected because it had a hole in the blade where a silk fish line could be tied, and the length of the blade was long enough to protrude through the width of the horse meat while pulling along the attached silk string. This allowed the string to be untied from the protruding blade and the lance removed, leaving the silk fish line in place so it could be used to pull the ampules of specimen into the horse meat through the incision made by the lance. In this manner the specimen were inserted inside the horse meat at different depths to test the Rife ray's ability to penetrate the horse meat.
Five ampules were placed inside the horse meat at depths of 3cm, 6cm, 9cm, 12cm, and 15cm (1 to 6 inches). The ampule at 12 cm depth was also located under the femur. Another ampule was also placed underneath the chunk of horse meat and one and on top, making a total of seven ampules.
The Rife ray tube was placed 10 cm above the horse meat and turned on. A three minute exposure of the horse meat to the Rife ray resulted in the complete devitalization of all the specimen in all seven ampoules regardless of their placement or depth in the horse meat

To clear things up, as a comparison a pulsed 35W UV laser can have a penetration depth of 20cm in flesh. Obviously, to do a penetration test Rife used his machine at full power. Therefore, it was not important if the meat would have been burned by the powerful beam, but it was important to determine whether good penetration was possible.

What is clear is that:
1. The 18 inch lance was long enough to protrude through the width of the horse meat, making quite a big hole in the meat; the holes were made throughout the meat where the ampoules had to be inserted and pulled via a silk thread
2. Somebody says that only one ampoule was visible, but the report does not state that
3. Ampoules are much bigger than vials and can be 20cm long or more; therefore, it is likely that many ampoules were protruding directly out of the meat; moreover, they would stretch the meat so much that the hole caused by the lance was just open and the beam could pass through
4. An ampoule being under the femur does not mean that the femur was shielding the ampoule from the beam. Indeed, the lancet was straight and had to pass from one side to the other of the meat; therefore, it was probably under the femur at its side, so that it could receive the beam

All this said, the report does not contain enough information to properly evaluate and replicate the test. It is an inconclusive proof that, again, does now exclude the effect of the beam.

+Rife's working principle is in radiofrequency (RF) and/or MORs (low frequencies). Or not?

MORs are machine settings and not the working principles. If they were the working principle, they would be universal and never change. Instead, each machine Rife produced had its own MOR set, because MORs are machine-dependent. This means that frequencies have no part in microbial inactivation, but they work with other parameters to achieve it. The same goes for RF, which varied among different machines. Unfortunately, this contradicts all current Rife machine manufacturers, who try to pass the concept that there is something "magical" or "exotic" principle in frequencies that does the job. Reality shows that they are delusional.

The proof that RF and MORs are not the operational principle is Rife's test to assess penetration depth of the ray through 15 inches of horse meat. This test was requested by Dr Milbank Johnson and all were so eager to perform it. Now, it was common knowledge that RF could go through meat, concrete, and anything. Rife was using radio equipment and it would be foolish to think that he was not aware that RF could pass through things. Indeed, it was enough to listen to a radio broadcast inside the walls of home to know that. So, was Rife completely dumb? Why would he need to test something that everybody knew?

It is very clear that he was testing neither RF nor MOR penetration, but he was testing something else, something that was of real concern. It was also very obvious what he was testing: the penetration ability of the beam ray - i.e. light.