Certified Machines

We certify the machines that work on the original Rife principles and publish a detailed certified list

For Manufacturers

Are you a manufacturer? Become certified and be included in our certified list! You need to send us a prototype and we will subject it to rigorous tests to make sure it works on the original Rife principles. If it does not pass all tests, we will advise on how to make it compliant. Once it is compliant, you will be allowed to display the Certified Genuine Rife logo.

We certify both Single-Hit and Multi-Hit Machines, which exploit the original Rife effect mix and are able to reach in vitro an inactivation rate >= 6 CFU (log reduction) of a known microorganism in a time <= 3 minutes, according to Rife standards. They may or may not use a pulsed carrier.

Genuine Rife Certified List

Original Rife Effect Mix
Optical Effect
EM Effect
Thermal Effect
High Voltage Operation
Pulsed Carrier
Continuous Carrier
Pulsed MOR
Continuous MOR
Plasma Tube
Quartz Tube
Absolute MORs Compliant
Universal MOR Compliant
Customized MOR List
Single-Hit Operation
Multi-Hit Operation
Obvious Fake
BCX Ultra
Jwlabs A3 Tactio
Perl M+
Rife 101
Rife/Bare Ext. Electrodes
Rife Digital Professional v2
Waveler v2.0
Waveler-SH v1.0